
Borsa a tracolla con URHSY simbolo di guarigione energetica. Trovi te stesso! 

155,00 €
Minuteria colore
Lunghezza della cintura
(Dimensione predefinita : 105 cm)

17 x 27 cm. 

Borsa pelle finta di alta qualita', made in italy. 

Ricamo URSHY. Catena d'ottone dorato. 

Handamde in Slovenia with LOVE.

Prodotto di guarigione energetica. 

Can I return my item if it doesn't fit or I don't like it?

Of course. You can send your item back on URSHY business adress, URSHY, Nova vas 30a, 5291 Miren. Your money will be refunded on your account after we receive unharmed product.

Can I change the product for another one?

No. You can return your item, wait for the money refund and then buy another one.

Where can I see your products?

You can visit us in our business local shop in Šempeter pri Gorici, on address Primorski tehnološki park, Mednarodni prehod 6, Šempeter pri Gorici.

I would like to buy a gift card, where can I get it?

In that case write an email on info@urshy.com with item informations (name and price) and all your data (address, phone number) so we can send a gift card on your home address in two days.

Urshy design

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