Personal guided meditation

Do you want to have a personal, energy healing guided meditation that will provide the perfect resolutions for you in the comfort of your own home? Welcome and get ready for the amazing results! My voice will take you to the yet unknown emotions and the parts of yourself that are pure love and endless possibilities. 

88,00 €

A guided channeled meditation is the best cure ever! After I check your energetic body and get the idea what we have to resolve I start with creating a meditaiton. Still conneceted to you I choose the right music (on the needed frequency) and I start with the talking. You are guided into yourself, into grounding, energy healing, relationships order to heal your emotions and fulfill yourself with pure energy of unconditional love for yourself and others. 

After 21 days of every day listening your subconscious program is realigned with your true self. 

Can I return my item if it doesn't fit or I don't like it?

Of course. You can send your item back on URSHY business adress, URSHY, Nova vas 30a, 5291 Miren. Your money will be refunded on your account after we receive unharmed product.

Can I change the product for another one?

No. You can return your item, wait for the money refund and then buy another one.

Where can I see your products?

You can visit us in our business local shop in Šempeter pri Gorici, on address Primorski tehnološki park, Mednarodni prehod 6, Šempeter pri Gorici.

I would like to buy a gift card, where can I get it?

In that case write an email on with item informations (name and price) and all your data (address, phone number) so we can send a gift card on your home address in two days.

Urshy design

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